Days to Graduation: 16
On Tuesday, I performed in my last student film at SCAD. It's an adaptation of a scene from "Babylon Returns" by F. Scott Fitzgerald. It was only 5 pages long, and I was actually the smallest role in it, but it was still an enjoyable experience. Of course, now I'm sitting here thinking about all of the student films that I've done...the most significant of which I'll list here. Most of the missing quarters are due to me doing a stage show and being unable to perform in many films. I know for a fact that I am forgetting a lot, as I have done several dozen.
Freshman Year
Fall Quarter- My first film set was for a project by a guy named Bruce Bohman, I believe the name of it was "Life is Beautiful". I only appeared in the background, but getting to hang out on set was really helpful, and the connections I got from that set kept me working for a quite some time.
Winter and Spring Quarter- I did a smattering of different projects, none that really stand out as significant.
Sophomore Year
Fall Quarter- Church Security, directed by Matt Friestch. This was the first project that I actually got a copy of, so the furthest I can look back and cringe at how bad I was on camera.
Winter Quarter- Performing in my best friend Josh's first film at SCAD. It was a silent black and white bolex film of me as a homeless man flipping out on a bench in the middle of Forsyth park. If memory serves, it was overexposed, like most bolex projects.
Also that quarter was Handsome Herb, directed by Jim Hobby, the second project I got a copy of, and when I really started to come into my own on camera.
Junior Year-
Spring Quarter- After 6 straight months of going from show to show I took a quarter off to work and do film work. 3 major projects came out of this.
Wild Thing- Another Josh Cole film, based off a song of the same name. I played the father keeping her daughter away from the Wild Thing. There's a very rough cut available on YouTube, if you care to go track it down.
Wing of Death- My first major project with a group of Grad Students. I played a Spring Breaker in Mexico who is forced into a deadly Hot Wing eating contest. It's as ridiculous as it sounds, and is still in post from what I understand.
NightCide- A film by David Wardell, in which I play- well, I'll let you check this one out for yourself, here's the link.
NightCide and Wing of Death were the first films where I was ever really happy with my performance.
Summer Quarter:
COOL COW: The Musical. Directed by Britt Faulkner, who I met on Wing of Death, this was my first musical film. It was also the most intense shoot I had been on until that point, shooting 30 minutes of footage in 4 days and recording all the music in 2. I have a rough cut on DVD, but here's a photo from the final number. Cool Cow was the first project I did that generated a lot of buzz (pun intended) around the film department, and I've gotten a lot of work from it.
Senior Year
Winter Quarter:
This quarter found me taking an Intro to Film class as well as helping Josh out on his senior set.
Underneath the Robe- This was my final for Intro to Film, which I obviously helped produce and acted in as well. It received rave reviews, and we're still deciding whether it would be better as a viral video online or if we should submit it to some festivals.
Harvey- Josh's senior project. I was his casting director and played one of Harvey's victims. I also helped out on all over the set, using what I'd learned in class. It was an awesome experience.
Spring Quarter
The Sun's Legging's, Britt Faulkner's Thesis Film. This was the mother of all film projects, at least as I was concerned. I'll do a dedicated post to this when the film is finished production and released, but here is the rough trailer, created off just 11 hours of filming.
Well, there's the rough list of my film work here in Savannah. If anyone wants more detail about any of them, just leave a comment and I'll do it.
Back in 15,
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