Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Days Since Graduation: 17

Sorry for the lack of updates, but as I'm sure you can imagine life got pretty crazy as graduation came and went, immediately followed by the big move back to Pennsylvania. It is all a very fun and exciting time, although I can't say that it is all good news.

Unfortunately, I am no longer a part of the Fishing Creek Playhouse's production of 1776. When I finally sat down and ran the numbers in my head, I was not being paid enough to be a part of the show, and doing it would impede my ultimate goal of moving to New York City. I wish them the best of luck in their production, which opens this Friday, and I encourage you to go see it if you're in the area.

But, with the release of the old plans come the new plans! I have moved my timeline for moving to New York up to July 1st, making all kinds of adjustments to my life in the mean time. I'm currently trying to find a job up there, and will crash with some different people until I find an apartment if necessary. It's scary, but very exciting.

Last Wednesday I visited the city. I spent most of the day alone, lost, in the cold and rain. I loved every single minute of it. I basically wandered around all of Manhattan for the day, hitting a lot of the entertainment landmarks in the burrough and finding a lot of cool opportunities all the while. Then I met up with Alisyn from college, who was quite upset with me for making her run around in the rain. A couple hours later and I was back home, exhausted but exhilarated at the same time.

That's all the news I have for right now, but there is some really cool stuff coming down the pipes soon!

See you in 15,

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